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Marmaris Hospital
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Spc.Dr. Mustafa BALCI


Private Marmaris Yucelen Hospital


Spc.Dr. Mustafa BALCI was born in 1964 in Ankara. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Ankara. He completed his medical education at Ankara Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 1982 and graduated in 1988. He started his state service as a government physician in Şemdinli Central Health Center. In 1990, during the Gulf War, he worked as Hakkari Provincial Health Director in the management of cross-border migration and refugee camps and in multinational organizations. Hakkari Maternity Hospital, Yüksekova State Hospital and Çukurca Hospital. He was transferred to Ankara Hospital in 1991. He completed his residency training in Turkey High Specialization Hospital, which he started in 1992, in 1996. In the same year, he started to work in the Transplantation Immunology and Tissue Typing Laboratory at the same hospital. He gained knowledge and experience with the trainings he received at home and abroad. He managed the qualified laboratory services required for kidney, heart and liver transplantation at Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Hospital. Apart from organ transplantation, HLA tissue typing at the cellular and molecular level was performed at the National Bone Marrow Transplantation Center established in the Sample Hospital, and stem cells obtained by apheresis method with the Flow Cytometry method were counted. Ankara Oncology Hospital, Dışkapı SSI and Sami Ulus Children's hospitals provided laboratory support to hematology clinics. Between 1999-2005, he participated as an invited speaker in HLA system and Transplantation Immunology symposiums held at Istanbul University, Samsun 19 Mayıs University, Kayseri Erciyes University, Ankara University and Gazi University. He took part in the preparation of the legislation as the representative of the Ministry of Health in the six-member commission that prepared the Tissue Typing Labotauvar Directive and the member of the Ministry of Health Immunology Scientific Board. In 2006, in the establishment of the Society of Transplantation Immonology and Genetics (TİGED), he was among the seven founding members and prepared the charter of the association and completed the establishment works. For the first six years, he carried out the activities of the General Secretary of the Association. He took an active role in the organization of congresses and symposiums with international participation within the association. He made an effort to develop transplantation in our country and to ensure the certification of employees. He is also an active member of the Coordination Association of Organ Transplant Organizations (ONKKD). He was invited as a speaker to the congress course programs. He is a member of the American and European Immunogentical Societies. He has prepared the laboratory studies and methods of many doctoral and associate professorship theses. More than thirty national and international publications have been cited on the face. At the Transplantation-2008 Congress, he received the best immunological study incentive award with his oral statement titled "The Role of CD4+/CD8+ Regulatory T cells in Solid Organ Transplantation". He participated in numerous international and national congresses and symposiums in the professional field and presented papers. He worked in the public and private sectors until 2021.He worked as a laboratory supervisor at Çankaya Private Life Hospital in 2022. He has been working as a laboratory supervisor in our hospital since 01.02.2023.


• 1988- Gazi University Faculty of Medicine (Graduation)
• 1996 – Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Hospital Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry (Specialization)

Areas of Expertise


Worked  Institutions

Medical Interests

• Transplantation Immunology
• Solid organ transplants (kidney, heart and liver)
• Bone marrow transplant
• Cord blood banking

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