Scar Revision
A number of scars formed as a result of all kinds of injuries and accidents can leave a scar despite the treatment applied. Although these scars sometimes only create aesthetic concerns, they can sometimes limit the functions of the person or reduce the quality of life. This scar tissue is called scar tissue. These tissues, which have not healed after the surgery or whose treatment has been completed, can be treated by plastic surgery by bringing them to a better form.
How Are Scar Revision Operations Performed?
Scar Revision operations are usually performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The tissue in the scar area is cut and removed, the new tissue is sutured correctly and the operation is completed. The stitching to be done is usually done under the skin, minimizing the scar. We can list the things that should be known about the treatment process as follows: If there is a raised and irregular scar on the skin, a surgical method can be applied. Surgical intervention is preferred for scars that are quite puffy from the skin. How Does the Post-Scar Revision Process Proceed? After the operation, it is recommended to protect the operation area from water contact and to avoid activities such as swimming and sunbathing for a certain period of time. The recovery period is foreseen as 6 months at the first stage. After 6 months, it is expected that the redness in the wound area will disappear completely, the side effects such as itching will gradually decrease and the scar will heal completely at the end of the first year. The healing process of wounds varies from person to person, depending on the reaction of the body. The wound condition of the person who will undergo scar revision should be examined by making sure that he has completely completed the healing process before the revision operation, and the intervention should be done under these conditions. As Yücelen Hospitals, we continue to offer you the most successful scar revision operation with our expert surgeon team.