Pregnancy Tracking
Pregnancy Process and Follow-up After the diagnosis of pregnancy is made, the pregnancy process is closely followed up with routine controls. After your consultation with the obstetrician, a plan is made with your doctor, with detailed information about the pregnancy process and pregnancy follow-up. Within this plan, your pregnancy period is carried out in a healthy way.
With the blood tests of the first weeks of pregnancy and the formation of the sac, the follow-up process begins with ultrasonic tests. A sac is usually seen on the second examination. First 4 weeks. The first four weeks of pregnancy are not noticed by the pregnant woman. Approximately in the 4th week, with the delay of the menstrual period, the patient performs the first pregnancy test. Pregnancy is diagnosed in the blood test performed when the Beta Hcg hormone begins to be secreted into the blood. 4-5. weeks. 4-5. Pregnancy diagnosis can be made with an ultrasonic device made from the bottom in weeks. However, around the 5th week, the sac begins to form.
The sac is visible on the lower abdomen ultrasound and fetal heartbeat can be heard by the 6th week. 6th and 7th week. During these weeks, physiological changes occur in the expectant mother with the hearing of the heartbeat. Situations such as nausea, sensitivity to smell, feeling tired are likely to occur. After the routine controls are made every month, the development of the baby is examined in detail with screening tests around the 11th week. Screening Tests During Pregnancy Three screening tests are performed during pregnancy. Double, triple and quadruple screening tests are applied in certain weeks with the development of the baby. The double screening test is done between 11-14 weeks. After the ultrasonic examination, the results of the double test are evaluated with the blood test. In the double screening test, the hormones BHcG and PAPP A are checked. The triple screening test is checked according to the development of the baby between 16-18 weeks. After ultrasonic examinations, B-HcG, free estriol and AFP levels are examined by blood test. The quadruple screening test, on the other hand, is 16.-20. is done per week. Between 20 and 24 weeks, the baby's organs are examined with 2nd level detailed ultrasonography; It is detected in the presence of an anomaly in the baby. Between the 24th and 28th weeks, the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) (sugar loading test) is performed. Routine ultrasonic examinations are performed. This review is like a prenatal assessment. The doctor decides on the appropriate delivery method for the patient. High-Risk Pregnancy Follow-up The age of the expectant mother (under 18 years old or over 35 years old), chronic and existing diseases before pregnancy, risks of the baby and / or mother-to-be during pregnancy indicate that the pregnancy is risky and requires intensive follow-up. The obstetrician monitors the pregnancy by keeping in constant contact with the patient and tests such as screening tests, ultrasonic examinations, blood tests. The examination intervals are shorter than the normal pregnancy period. Ectopic Pregnancy In an ectopic pregnancy, the pregnancy test is positive. However, vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain may occur. At the same time, the hormone called B-HcG begins to rise irregularly in the blood. Whether or not there is an ectopic pregnancy becomes clear after ultrasonic examination. For the fetus to develop, it must be in the uterus (womb) region. In the fallopian tubes, the fertilized egg located in the cervix cannot develop. Therefore, the pregnancy should be terminated. In some cases, it may cause internal bleeding and constitute an emergency. Problems in Pregnancy Gestational diabetes can be handled in two different ways: existing in the mother before pregnancy (pregestational diabetes mellitus) or emerging for the first time during pregnancy (gestational diabetes mellitus). It can be examined with sugar screening tests such as GCT-OGTT. Pregnancy process is followed by blood tests, ultrasonic examinations and tests such as NST. It is followed up by the doctor as a high-risk pregnancy. Blood pressure is another important risk factor during pregnancy. In a healthy pregnancy, the blood pressure value is expected to be below 140/90.
If it is higher, the presence of high blood pressure is understood. As the mother-to-be will have high blood pressure problems before pregnancy, she may face high blood pressure for the first time during pregnancy. Different treatment methods are preferred for two different scenarios. A patient with hypertension who wants to become pregnant should consult an obstetrician before pregnancy and have the drugs he is currently using checked. If this problem is experienced for the first time during pregnancy, the doctor develops a treatment suitable for the pregnancy process. Preeclampsia is a disease that develops mostly after the 20th week for some pregnant women. It is quite a dangerous situation. It is also known as pregnancy poisoning. In this case, the pregnant woman presents with symptoms such as confusion, edema, and high blood pressure. Although it is tried to keep the symptoms under control with examinations and medical treatments, the only solution is the healthy birth of pregnancy, mostly 34-37. It is the end of the week. The time of delivery is determined according to the condition of the pregnant woman and the baby, and the urgency. Urinary tract infections, usually 12-24 days of pregnancy. It occurs in weeks. Bacterial inflammation of the bladder tract
Burning during urination, intermittent urination, fever, chills, etc. may have symptoms. It is intervened with antibiotic therapy (if necessary) or drug therapy. Abortion (Unwanted Pregnancy) Termination of an unwanted pregnancy is legally possible up to the 10th week. In cases exceeding the 10th week, the presence of pregnancy should pose a risk to the mother's life or the baby should not be healthy. This procedure, performed by obstetricians, is a simple surgical operation. General anesthesia techniques are applied. It is recommended that the patient has a hunger and thirst state of approximately 5-6 hours. With the light anesthesia given to the patient, the pregnancy is terminated by vacuum method while the patient is asleep.