Intensive Care
It is the place where people whose lives are at risk as a result of various damages in their bodies due to severe diseases and/or injuries, traumas and who need special medical care are observed and treated.
Persons whose vital functions are at risk as a result of the inability of one or more of their organs to function are kept under observation in intensive care units by people trained in what to do in the face of such situations. The main purpose of the intensive care units, where possible immediate intervention is made, is to prevent the disconnection of the patient from life by applying all necessary medical treatment. Intensive care units are equipped to intervene early and effectively in patients whose general condition suddenly deteriorates or whose health condition worsens rapidly during follow-up. Intensive care units are managed by taking serious measures for the objectives such as maintaining health services in the most efficient way and minimizing the risk of infection, taking into account the situation. For this reason, the relatives of the patients can meet with the patients in the intensive care unit at certain times of the day or get information from the responsible health professional.
Care is taken to ensure that the relatives of the patients who come to visit are at the level of first-degree relatives. In intensive care units; Special medical devices such as respiratory support devices, oxygen support systems, dialysis and bedside imaging equipment, also known as mechanical ventilators, are used.
What does intensive care look at?
Critical Surgeries: After the application of any surgical procedure for the patients with chronic organ failure, performed to eliminate the problems in vital organs such as the heart and brain, in order to minimize the risks foreseen in the early period on behalf of the patient and to intervene quickly in cases that may arise, they are in the intensive care unit. follow-up is required. If no complications are encountered, the patient can leave the intensive care unit in a short time and complete the rest of the treatment in clinical services. Traumas: Blows to the head area of the body can cause injuries and damage to the brain.
Polytrauma is when different parts or organs in the body suffer a serious deterioration and lose their functions, thus rendering other organs inoperable and posing a life-threatening risk. A person who has suffered a head injury or polytrauma needs medical attention within minutes. In the same way, the failure of the organs in the chest cage to deteriorate as a result of heavy blows and fail to function may sometimes lead to the result of the patient being treated in the intensive care unit. Sudden Cardiac and Respiratory Cessation: The situation that occurs when the person cannot breathe, does not react despite all stimuli, and has no heart rhythm is not called "sudden cardiac arrest". Respiratory arrest is the inability of the person to perform the function that provides oxygen transport to the body by breathing. Her iki durum da saniyeler/ dakikalar içinde müdahale edilmesi gereken ve her geçen dakikada hastanın zihinsel fonksiyonlarının geri döndürülemez şekilde bozulması ile sonuçlanabilecek çok hızlı ve yakın takip gerektiren tıbbi durumlardır.
Akut Solunum Yetmezliği: Akciğerlerin vücudun gereksinim duyduğu oksijeni almakta güçlük çekmesi, organlar için son derece zararlı olan karbondioksiti ise atmakta zorluk çekmesi sonucunda ortaya çıkan rahatsızlıktır. Bu durum birçok organa zarar verebilmektedir. Akut ve Kronik Organ Yetmezliği: Yoğun bakım ünitelerinde sıklıkla karşılaşılan bir durum olan akut ve kronik organ yetmezliği, ölümcül sonuçlara yol açabilecek kadar önemli bir hastalıktır. Herhangi bir organda meydana gelen bozulma zamanla diğer organlarında da işlevini kaybetmesine sebep olabilmekte ve çoklu organ yetmezliğine yol açabilmektedir. Zehirlenme: Kimyasal maddeler, tüketilmesi riskli gıdalar, hava kirliği gibi birçok faktör akut veya kronik zehirlenmelere neden olabilmektedir.
Hayati risk taşıyan akut ve kronik zehirlenmelerin tedavi süreçlerinde, yoğun bakım üniteleri önemli bir rol üstlenmektedir. Hastanemizdeki yoğun bakım üniteleri: Dahiliye yoğun bakım Cerrahi yoğun bakım Koroner yoğun bakım Kalp damar yoğun bakım Yenidoğan yoğun bakım olarak hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir.