Heart Rhythm Disorders
Heart rhythm disorders, one of the diseases that our hospital's cardiology outpatient clinic deals with, occur when the heart, which is one of our most important organs and pumps blood to our body, does not work properly and affects the life functions of the individual.
What is Heart Rhythm Disorder?
Heart rhythm disorder, also called arrhythmia, is a condition in which the heart, which works in a certain order, works differently from normal for various reasons. In these cases, the heart may work too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia), or pause and be irregular. While rhythm disorders are mostly harmless with good treatment, they can also be fatal. Cardiac rhythm disorders are divided into different types depending on the irregularity of the heartbeat and the way its rate is affected: Tachycardia Tachycardia, one of the most common rhythm disorders, is a condition in which the heart rate is above 100 per minute. Although tachycardia patients usually experience short-term palpitations, low blood pressure, fainting or shortness of breath may occur when the heart is working too fast.
Sinus tachycardia Sinus tachycardia is a continuous heart rhythm above 100 beats as a result of excitement, stress, physical activity, trauma or similar situations. Even if sinus tachycardia caused by physical activities seems normal, a doctor should be consulted. Ventricular tachycardia is the rapid beating of the pulse in the ventricular chambers of the heart. While the normal heart rate is between 60-100, the heart rate can be between 200-250 in case of ventricular tachycardia. As a result of such a fast heartbeat, serious health problems may occur as the ventricles do not fill enough blood.
What are the Causes of Heart Rhythm Disorders?
Although people with heart disease are generally at risk, it is not just a disease they have. First of all, tests should be done to understand how and why this disease occurs. It can cause thyroid gland disorders, anemia, imbalance of potassium, magnesium, sodium values, some hormonal diseases, etc. It can be seen due to diseases as well as stress, alcohol, some drugs and various stimulants. Heart Arrhythmia Symptoms Although arrhythmia is not always harmful and does not manifest itself, it can sometimes require immediate attention. Common symptoms are as follows: Palpitation Shortness of breath Chest pain Fainting Dizziness, dizziness Feeling of emptiness Bird fluttering in the chest Diagnosis of Heart Rhythm Disorder If the patient's complaints persist for a long time, Holter ECG, electrocardiography (ECG) may be helpful in making the diagnosis in the first place after the examination. . It can be done for patients with frequent complaints (24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 1 week duration).
In addition, tests such as echocardiography (ECHO) and exercise test may be useful for diagnosis. Treatment of Heart Rhythm Disorder Although it does not usually lead to serious consequences, it can cause conditions such as heart failure, stroke, and sudden death. After the underlying cause is found, an appropriate treatment method can be selected and the heart rhythm disorder can be terminated as a result of the treatment. Methods such as drugs, electrical treatments, angiography, (catheter ablation) are used. In some patients, surgical procedure or insertion of a pacemaker called a pacemaker may be required. When necessary, our cardiologist will cooperate with other units related to the disease and will determine the most appropriate treatment method for you after the correct diagnosis.