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Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Problems

At What Ages and How Frequent Should An Eye Specialist Examination Be Performed?

An eye examination is required every two years. However, it may be more common in some age groups and less in some age groups. Eye examination in infancy is the first meeting with the ophthalmologist. In the newborn eye examination, the pupils are dilated and the parts of the eye structure are examined by the physician with the help of some devices. In the second eye examination, a motility test is performed as in newborn babies. Eye structure and parts are examined. By measuring the refractive error and vision, refractive errors and laziness are detected. Tests such as retinoscopy, lea symbols (using symbols instead of letters for vision testing), and random point stereopsis are used. The second eye examination should take place between the ages of 3-4. For children, it is important to go to an ophthalmologist at 1 or 2 years after the age of 5 for the detection of eye diseases. However, more frequent examinations may be required in children with certain diseases. For example, problems such as strabismus and lazy eye are eye diseases encountered in childhood. These patients should come for examination every six months. If the patient has eye refraction problems, an ophthalmologist examination is recommended once a year. Although the 3-5 age range is the critical period for the diagnosis of certain diseases such as lazy eye and visual defects in childhood, eye diseases mostly increase with advancing age. For this reason, the frequency of examinations should be increased in line with the level of the discomfort experienced with the advancement of age. Some eye diseases such as glaucoma, eye pressure, pain, etc. Since it does not show any symptoms, it is important to carry out routine controls without interruption. Rutin kontroller için, 20-39 yaş aralığında her 5 yılda bir, 40-54 yaş aralığında 3 yılda bir, 55-64 yaş aralığında her iki yılda bir 65 yaş üzerinde ise özellikle yılda bir göz doktor muayenesi asgari miktarda gereklidir. 
 Göz Hastalıkları Tanı ve Tedavisinde Kullanılan Teknolojiler Otorefraktometre  Oto Refraktör veya otomatik refraktör,  gözün kırma kusurunu objektif bir ölçüm sağlayarak gözlük veya kontakt lens reçetesi olması için göz muayenesi sırasında kullanılan bilgisayar kontrollü bir makinedir. Otorefraktometre cihazı ile ölçüm yapmak basit bir yöntemdir. Bir kişinin gözüne giren ışığın nasıl değiştiğini ölçerek ve gözlemleyerek elde edilir. İlk olarak hastadan alnını ve çenesini cihaza yaslanması istenilir ve cihazın deliğinden içerideki resme bakması gerekir. Oto Refraktör, ışığın gözün arkasından (oküler fundus) yansıdığında nasıl değiştiğini ölçerek göze ışık verir. Yansımalar yapıldıkça, gözün ne zaman düzgün bir şekilde odaklandığını birkaç ölçümle belirlenir.Son rakamlar, gereken görme düzeltme seviyesini belirler.  Air-puff  En sık kullanılan tarama amaçlı ölçümler air- puff denen göze hava üfleme cihazıdır. Korneaya hava jeti gönderip bunun kornea tarafından geri püskürtülmesine dayalı air-pufftonometri ile yapılır. Bu cihaz göz tansiyonu ölçümündeki en hassas cihaz olup hata yapma ihtimali havalı cihaza göre oldukça düşüktür.  Biyometri Ultrasonik bir göz ölçüm cihazıdır. Katarakt ameliyatı sonrasında göze konulacak merceklerin ölçülmesinde kullanılır.   Göz Ultrasonu Yüksek frekans ses dalgaları kullanarak ultrason cihazı ile göz ve çevresini görüntülemek amaçlı kullanılır. 

With Pachymetry Laser, corneal thickness is determined by using pachymetry device before surgical operation and before glaucoma treatment. Visual Field With the visual field, it is determined whether the patient has experienced a loss in the visual field. FFA Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) is an examination used to examine the nerve layer and supporting tissue at the back of the eye, called the choroid and retina. Before the procedure, a drug called fluorescein is injected into a vein in the patient's hand or arm. Corneal Topography It is a device that allows the physician to obtain information about the structure of the cornea before applications such as refractive surgery and lenses. Iol Master Optical Biometry  It is a device used to calculate the refractive power of the new lens to be inserted during the replacement of the lens that has lost its transparency in cataract surgeries. Argon Laser (Retinal Detachment Treatment) Argon laser is a device used in the treatment of tears and holes. This procedure is a painless procedure. It is a treatment method performed by the doctor in the examination room without any pre-treatment. Yag Laser is a treatment method used for the treatment of bleeding and vessels in the retina due to diabetes. Oct (Optical Coherence Tomography) OCT is a device that allows detailed examination of retinal and choroidal vascularization. With the help of this device, the patient is prepared for the eye examination. An eye drop may also be instilled to dilate the pupils and facilitate examination. As in FFA, detailed examination of the retinal network is provided without the need for any substance. OCT is a very important imaging device for the diagnosis of diseases such as glaucoma, eye pressure, retinal diseases, macular degeneration and diabetes mellitus. Plusoptix   Plusoptix is ​​a high-tech screening test used to detect vision defects or eye diseases in children. It is also a second measurement device for patients of all age groups. Excimer Laser  Excimer laser is applied to the cornea area in the front of the eye. It is a method used to treat visual defects in the cornea, known as the transparent layer in the eye structure. Phacoemulsification  Phaco, for short, is a specially designed cataract surgical instrument. In cataract surgery, it completes the cataract surgery operation by creating a 2 mm incision in the patient's eye. This procedure is done without making the patient sleep and takes approximately 15-20 minutes.

Vitrectomy is a surgery that has very few complications and is frequently preferred as a surgical operation with a high success rate. It is a procedure used in retinal detachments, eye diseases caused by diabetes, bleeding, holes in the center of the eye. Electrophysiology  Retina is the tests used to evaluate the brain visual pathways and optic nerve pathways as a whole. Microperimetry  Microperimetry is a visual field test that can detect the sensitivity of the retinal tissue by visual field test and fundus image. Specular Microscope  The cornea is the front part in the form of a transparent layer in the eye structure.

It is very important to have a sufficient number of endothelial cells that protect the intact layer of the cornea. A specular microscope is used to determine the number of these cells, which are directly related to corneal transparency.


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