Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a therapy approach based on scientific evidence. It is one of the most widely used types of psychotherapy today. CBT is a short-term, present-oriented and structured psychotherapy method. This approach focuses on current problems that lead a person to seek psychotherapy. It not only solves the current problems of people, but also provides some skills that can be used to solve their lifelong problems. Cognitive behavioral therapy gives thought a central role in the conceptualization and treatment of psychological disorders. CBT emphasizes that the person's environment, the events they experience, the way they perceive these events, their emotional reactions and behaviors interact with each other. The problem of the person and these areas that interact with each other are primarily focused on thought and behavior. CBT teaches how to find people's thoughts about their distressing situations and examine how realistic and appropriate these thoughts are. By reshaping appropriate and dysfunctional thoughts, the person develops realistic and appropriate ways of thinking in place of these thoughts. In this way, the person's feelings and behaviors are changed. The therapy process usually begins with cognitive (thought) interventions. This is followed by changes in the behavioral domain. In some cases, it starts with the behavioral domain first. During therapy, the client and the therapist cooperate in order to identify and understand various problems, aimed at healing. In addition, it is aimed to apply the skills learned during treatment to daily life. Fields of Interest of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy has been scientifically proven to be effective in many disorders. These are: Anxiety disorders Obsessive-compulsive disorder Panic disorder Health Anxiety Post-traumatic stress disorder Generalized anxiety disorder Depression Sexual dysfunctions Couples treatments and family therapies Alcohol and substance abuse Eating disorders Somatoform disorders Social phobia Specific phobias Various behavioral problems such as tics can be counted as eating disorders.