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Circumcision is the process of surgically cutting the foreskin covering the tip of the penis in a certain shape and length and exposing the tip of the penis. The appropriate age range for circumcision is 0-2 years and after 7 years. Since children between the ages of 2-7 have a sexual development period, circumcision is not recommended much in this age range.

What are the Health Benefits of Circumcision?

Cleaning and hygiene of the penis after circumcision is easier than normal. Although the rate of urinary tract infection is less in men, it is more common in uncircumcised men than in circumcised men. In the uncircumcised penis, the problem of stenosis called phimosis can be seen at the tip of the penis. Due to this stenosis, the foreskin cannot be retracted sufficiently and inflammation is more common in the glans penis. Penile cancer is a rare clinical case that is less common in circumcised men.

Penile cancer is more common in uncircumcised men. In addition, the rate of cervical cancer in sexual partners of circumcised men is less. Better hygiene level. Circumcision makes it easier to wash the penis. However, men with an uncircumcised penis are advised to regularly wash under the foreskin.

Decreased risk of urinary tract infection. Men have a low risk of urinary tract infections, but these infections are more common in uncircumcised men. Severe infections early in life can lead to kidney problems later on. Decreased risk of sexually transmitted infections. Circumcised men have a lower risk of contracting certain sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Still, safe sexual practices are essential. How is circumcision done? The most commonly applied, reliable method with the least side effects is the surgical method. Complete healing of the penis after circumcision usually takes between 3 -7 days. After circumcision, the tip of the penis may be sore or the penis may appear red and swollen. A small amount of yellow fluid may also be noticed at the tip of the penis. All these problems disappear within an average of 1 week. Surgical Method The surgical method is traditionally performed by cutting the foreskin surgically and suturing the ends together. Since aesthetic and absorbable sutures are used here, there is no need to take a dressing or suture afterward. In circumcision procedures performed with surgical intervention, the growth and development of the penis continues in its normal course at advanced ages, since the foreskin is taken as much as necessary. Sleep Circumcision The procedure is performed under local and sedoanalgesia. When it is performed under local anesthesia, only the penis area is anesthetized. The child is awake.

When the procedure is performed under sedoanalgesia, the child is asleep and takes the risks of anesthesia. In the circumcision during sleep; Again, only the penis area is anesthetized. After the child goes to his natural sleep, circumcision is performed. Thus, he does not take the risks of anesthesia and does not cause any trauma to the child.


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Marmaris Hospital
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