Andullation Therapy
What is Andullation Therapy?
Andullation therapy is a therapy method consisting of a combination of mechanical vibration and infrared rays. Vibrations used in Andullation therapy create regeneration and repair in the body.
Good health depends on good blood circulation, an active metabolism, an intact lymph flow and a balanced autonomic nervous system. The deterioration of one or more of these elements causes problems in our health.
Andullation device contributes to the body's more energy expenditure by increasing cell activation. It is recommended to carry out with a regular nutrition program accompanied by a dietitian.
Areas where Andullation therapy is effective;
Acute and chronic pain issues
Excess weight, regional lubrication, visceral lubrication problems
Edema, cellulite, varicose veins etc. circulation problems
Insomnia, stress and burnout syndrome
restless legs syndrome
Constipation, intestinal laziness, etc. metabolism problems
May alleviate pain associated with diseases
May relieve acute pain
It increases our energy.
It is good for stress.
When approached from a holistic perspective; regulates metabolism, reduces lubrication, regulates sleep quality with the release of leptin and melatonin.
There are basically 5 biophysical working principles:
1) It supports the regulation of blood circulation with the effect of vibration and heat. Thus, a better blood circulation improves the body's oxygenation process.
2) Stimulation of lymph flow supports the lymphatic system, which is another important system in the body. Edema removal is provided by supporting this system, which is responsible for the transport of toxins and body fluid balance. Bowel movements are supported. The lymphatic system is also an important part of the immune system.
3) As lymph and blood circulation are supported, ATP production of cells, collagen production increases and an environment is created for a better functioning metabolism, healthier tissues and firmer skin.
4) As the operation of the systems is supported, the release of endorphins is also supported. Thus, pain decreases, mobility increases, it provides support for a more energetic and enjoyable life.
5) With all these effects, stress decreases, tension decreases, better quality sleep, less fatigue feeling occurs.
With Andullation therapy:
• Healthy lymph flow
• Good blood circulation
• An active metabolism
• Balanced autonomic nervous system
• Happy aging
• Faster recovery
• More energy (ATP)
• More toxic substance excretion
• Less stress, better sleep
• Say hello to a pain-free life.