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Uz.Dr. Yusuf Tohma

Internal medicine



Specialist Yusuf Tohma was born in 1981 in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Adana.

Condition. Dr. Sp. Yusuf Tohma started his medical education at Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine in 1999.

He started his Internal Medicine specialization training at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine. He completed his specialization in 2014 and became an Internal Medicine Specialist.

After his specialization in 2014, he worked at State Hospitals and Training and Research Hospitals in Van and Muğla. During this period, healthy living, healthy nutrition, holistic medicine, functional medicine and ozone therapy trainings were received. In 2022, he started working as an Internal Medicine Specialist at Muğla Private Yücelen Hospital.

He completed the Functional Medicine courses prepared specifically for physicians in five separate modules by the Functional Medicine Academy, and successfully passed the final exam and was entitled to receive the Functional Medicine Academy achievement certificate.

He completed the Ozone Therapy training organized by the Ministry of Health and was entitled to receive the Ozone Therapy certificate.

In the world's leading and respected magazines; Studies on appetite, appetite-related hormones, and hyperthyroidism have been published.

Condition. Dr. Sp. Yusuf Tohma Internal Medicine Specialist combines knowledge, experience and experience with holistic medicine, functional medicine perspective and ozone treatment methods; It makes a difference in healthy living (wellness) and chronic disease management.

Muğla Private Yücelen Hospital provides services not only in the field of Internal Medicine, but also in the fields of check-up programs, healthy living, holistic medicine, functional medicine and ozone therapy methods.


2005 - Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine 2014 - Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine

Areas of Expertise

Functional Medicine, Ozone Therapy, Healthy Nutrition, Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid Diseases, Anemia, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Respiratory Diseases, Rheumatic Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Geriatric Diseases

Worked  Institutions

2014 State Hospitals and Training and Research Hospitals in Van and Muğla

2022 He continues to work as an Internal Medicine Specialist at Muğla Private Yücelen Hospital.

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