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Uz.Dr. Yücel Kahyaoğlu




Yücel Kahyaoğlu was born in 1961 in Çal District of Denizli Province. He received his primary education at Muğla Atatürk Primary School. After graduating from Eskişehir Anatolian High School, he started studying at Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine. Yücel Kahyaoğlu graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 1986 and received his Psychiatry Specialization degree in 1996. He received his Forensic Medicine Specialization in 1991 and his Psychiatry Specialization in 1995. Dr. is married and has one child. Yücel Kahyaoğlu has attended numerous psychiatry congresses and conferences and dealt with countless cases throughout his professional life.


Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine - 1986

Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine (1991)

Izmir Ataturk State Hospital (Psychiatry Specialization) 1996

Areas of Expertise


Anxiety Disorders

Panic Disorder,

Panic attack,

Bipolar Mood Disorders


Personality Disorders,

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder),


Eating disorders,

Mourning Reactions,

Sleep Disorders and Sexual Dysfunctions,

Pharmacotherapy (treatment with medication)

Supportive Spiritual Therapy

Worked  Institutions

Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık Health Center

Izmir Ataturk State Hospital

Malatya State Hospital

Muğla State Hospital

Muğla Private Yücelen Hospital

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