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Uz.Dr. Asuman Kaymaz




I was born in Cizre in 1951. I completed my primary education, secondary school and high school in Istanbul.


Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine -1975 Specialization: Cerrahpaşa T.F. Neurology Clinic - 1984

Areas of Expertise

Headaches, Sleep Disorders, Dizziness, Strokes, Movement Disorders, Forgetfulness and Memory Disorders, Tremors, EEG and EMG Epilepsy and Consciousness Disorders.

Worked  Institutions

I completed my compulsory duty at Dinar State Hospital in 1989.
After compulsory duty in 1989-2000, I worked as chief assistant at the neurology clinic of Şişli Etfal Hospital. At the same time, I worked as a neurologist at Akbank pension fund between 2000 and 2009.
Afterwards, I worked in EHGE (Electro-Ansophology reporting) and epilepsy outpatient clinic.
Between 2010 and 2016, I worked as a neurologist at SANKT GEORG Austrian hospital.
I continued my duty at CENTRAL Hospital between 2017-2020.
I continue to work at the Neurology Department of Ortaca Private Yücelen Hospital in July 2020.

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