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Op.Dr. Nurşin Kaynarca Külcü

Cardiac surgery



He was born in Ankara in 1968. He graduated from Uludağ University in 1992. He specialized in Cardiovascular Surgery at Istanbul Siyami Ersek Cardiovascular Surgery Center. Nurşin Kaynarca Külcü, who completed her specialization in 1999, has performed over 1000 varicose vein surgeries and over 1000 sclerotherapy.


1992 - Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine (Graduation)

1999 - Istanbul Siyami Ersek Cardiovascular Surgery Center (Specialization)

Areas of Expertise

Varicose Vein Treatments, Sclerotherapy - Foam Treatment (Varicose Vein Treatment with Needle), Closed Varicose Vein Surgeries with Radiofrequency, Laser and Adhesion Methods, Dialysis Surgery (AV Fistula, Permanent Dialysis Catheter), Port Catheter Placement (for Chematrepy), Vascular Surgery, Peripheral Artery Surgery, Lymphedema treatment, Stasis Varicose Vein Treatment, Mesotherapy, Botox and Filling Applications.

Worked  Institutions

Muğla Training and Research Hospital 2000–2018

Ödemiş State Hospital 2018-2020

Private Muğla Yücelen Hospital 2020- continued

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