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Op. Dr. Mehmet Yaman
Brain and Nerve Surgery
He was born in Diyarbakır in 1962 and is the father of 3 children. He completed his medical education at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine between 1982-1987. He received his specialty training at Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital between 1990-1996.
1982-1987 Dicle University Faculty of Medicine
1990-1996 Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital (Specialization)
Areas of Expertise
Spinal Surgery
-Lumbar and cervical disc herniation
-Lumbar and cervical stenosis surgery
-Spinal Tumors
-Spinal Traumas
Cranial Surgery
-Head Trauma
-Skull Base Surgery
-Pediatric Neurosurgery
Worked Institutions

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