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One of the diseases that the cardiology outpatient clinic of our hospital deals with and the reasons why our patients visit us is endocarditis.

What Is Endocarditis?

It is an inflammation of the inner lining of the heart or heart valve. Vascular occlusion complaints due to germs and inflammation may occur. Patients with previous heart valve diseases, prosthetic valve surgery, immune problems, embolism, alcohol and drug addiction, and intravenous catheterization have a higher risk of inflammation. Endocarditis, an infectious disease of bacterial origin, can also occur due to fungus. Endocarditis can be acute, subacute or chronic endocarditis. The differences between the three types of endocarditis are that the duration of acute endocarditis is 6 weeks, subacute endocarditis can be extended from 6 weeks to 3 months, and chronic endocarditis persists for more than 3 months. Complications that may develop in endocarditis types are usually stenosis and insufficiency of the heart valves, myocardial abscesses, pericarditis and embolism.

What Are The Symptoms of Endocarditis?

In patients with endocarditis, some biological and radiological tests are disrupted as symptoms and there are also symptoms that patients can see with their own eyes. These problems may include high sedimentation, high CRP, bloody urine, murmur in the heart, cardiovascular occlusion, spleen enlargement, abscess, fever, night sweats and weight loss.

Diagnosis of Endocarditis

While diagnosing endocarditis, the applications that should be done to the patient are ECG, ECO and blood cultures that should be examined for inflammation.

Endocarditis Treatment

Treatment of endocarditis can be in the form of medication and surgery. It is useful to contact the infection doctor while starting medication.
After the diagnosis is made, all tests can be examined and medication, that is, antibiotic treatment, can be started for inflammation. The duration and dose of antibiotic treatment is decided by looking at whether the patient has a previous heart disease and the risks it carries.

The aim of surgical treatment is to eliminate the infection in the patient and to repair the heart structures and valves. If the clot goes to other organs, the infection does not disappear with antibiotics, and there is a condition that damages the heart valves, surgery is required.

After using biological and radiological diagnostic methods and diagnosing your disease, our cardiologist will plan your treatment and help you by consulting the infection and microbiology specialist if deemed necessary.

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