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Ear Diseases


Sudden Hearing Loss, Acute and Chronic Ear Inflammation
Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing is a sudden hearing loss that is usually unilateral and otoscopic examination is completely normal. This condition accompanied by unilateral ringing and buzzing suddenly appears and has an increasing severity in the first three days. The treatment process is carried out with corticosteroids and vasodilators with vasodilatory effect. In some cases, steroids are injected into the ear.
Acute ear inflammation is called otitis media. There are four different types of serosotitism (watery ear inflammation), discharge otitismedia, acute purulent otitismedia, and secretory otitismedia. The treatment process is carried out with secretion-reducing drops and antibiotic drugs. If there is too much pressure on the eardrum, a surgical operation (myringotomy) may be required.

Fluid accumulation in the middle ear
The part behind the eardrum is the middle ear part. Blockages in the eustachian tube cause negative pressure to form in the middle ear, causing fluid to accumulate in the middle ear.
The treatment process is carried out with antibiotic treatment, decongestant, streoid, antihistamine treatments. If these treatments are inadequate and unsuccessful, surgical operation is required. Fluid collection is prevented by a surgical operation performed by inserting a ventilation tube into the eardrum.

It is defined as a feeling of faintness, dizziness, weakness or imbalance. It is a symptom that is generally seen due to an underlying disease.
Inflammation of the balance nerve, migraine, stress, iron deficiency, brain tumors, some diseases in the neck, some traumas cause dizziness. If dizziness is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, severe headache, nausea, numbness, it is recommended that you immediately consult a physician.
Dizziness can have many causes such as inner ear discomfort, vehicle stiffness and side effects of some drugs, injury, infection, poor blood circulation. The treatment process is planned by the ENT specialist after physical examinations and examinations.

Tumors in the ear area
Although rare, tumors are seen in the ear area. Some are malignant tumors. Malignant tumors typically arise from tissues whose cells divide and multiply rapidly.
Tumors seen in the outer ear are mostly caused by skin cancers. However, benign tumors can also be seen. It has symptoms such as hearing loss, feeling of fullness, imbalance, dizziness, pain, bleeding, ear discharge, sounds in the ear that are parallel to the heartbeat, ringing. Surgical method is required for the treatment of benign or malignant tumors. Radiotherapy may be required after surgical treatment of malignant tumors.

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