Finding and treating minor health problems as soon as possible by taking necessary precautions can prevent them from turning into bigger problems and chronic diseases in the future. Check-up, one of the most effective methods of early diagnosis, is a general health screening performed to detect problems that may cause illness in people who have no complaints and to take precautions. Diseases that can be diagnosed in the early period are coronary artery diseases, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, anemia, cervical, prostate, colon cancers, etc. Diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol can damage vital organs such as the brain, heart, kidney and eyes for years without showing any symptoms, and people may face complications such as cerebral hemorrhage, clot formation in the cerebral vessels, heart attack, kidney failure and dialysis, cataracts. Early diagnosis increases the chance of early treatment before complications develop and reduces mortality by reducing fatal complications. For this reason, with the annual check-up, you can discover diseases at an early stage and have the chance to stop diseases before your health deteriorates. If you want to make a positive impact on your health, don't wait to get sick. Check-up saves lives. Check-up services at Yücelen Hospitals are carried out with comprehensive examinations under the supervision of internal medicine, cardiology, urology, gynecology and obstetrics specialists. Personalized, flexible, age-specific, disease-specific check-up packages are provided by consultants experienced in package selection and specific recommendations are made for the patient's problem.