(USG) Ultrasonography is the imaging of organs and other structures in the body with the help of high-frequency sound waves. One cannot hear every sound; but can hear certain sounds between 20-20000 Hertz. Sounds above 20000 Hertz, which is the sound limit that humans cannot hear, are used in medicine. This method is called "Ultrasoundography" (USG). Although the frequencies are very high, the examination does not cause any harm to the body. No harmful radiation such as X-rays is used. Ultrasonography is most useful in examining fluid-containing organs and structures. Solid structures such as bones and air-filled organs such as the lungs (as they do not contain much fluid) do not show up well on ultrasound. However, mass and solid formations in organs containing fluid can be observed.
In Which Situations Is Ultrasonography Used?
Abdominal pain Pain in urination, bleeding Kidney disease, kidney stones, diabetes Persistence of digestive complaints such as indigestion, nausea Abdominal trauma such as traffic accident or hard blow to the abdomen (if there is a risk of internal organ rupture or bleeding) In cases related to the intra-abdominal organs
Which Body Parts Can Be Viewed With Ultrasonography?
Abdominal Neck Hip Breast Obstetric usg Kidney Testicle Thyroid Superficial tissue Urinary system