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Bladder (Urinating Disorders)

What Is Overactive Bladder (OAB)?

Overactive bladder (OAB); It is a disease in which the person complains of sudden urge, frequent urination at night and during the day without an underlying cause, and urinary incontinence with the feeling of momentary urge that can be seen in some patients.
OAB findings are seen at an average rate of 17% in the society. This disease, which is more common in women than in men, increases with age in both genders.
OAB affects not only physical effects such as frequent urination and urinary incontinence, but also social life. Frequent urination disrupts sleep quality and causes problems such as daytime sleepiness, distraction, and decreased work efficiency.

How Is Overactive Bladder Diagnosed?

In the diagnosis of OAB, the patient's history and physical examination come to the first step.
If necessary, urine analysis, ultrasonography, uroflowmetry, urodynamics, cystoscopy can be performed to distinguish it from diseases with similar findings.

What Are TheTreatment Methods In Overactive Bladder?

Regulation of fluid intake; adequate amount (at least 1.5 lt/day) and regular fluid intake
Limiting fluid intake before long trips and before going to bed at night
Restriction of drinks with a diuretic effect such as tea, coffee and alcohol
Removal from the diet of artificial sweeteners (aspartame, etc.), carbonated drinks and some foods (extremely spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, etc.), which are irritants for the bladder
Weight control is especially effective on urinary incontinence.
Exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

Drug Therapy

The purpose of drug treatment is to stop sudden involuntary contractions in the bladder muscles, increase bladder capacity and prevent urinary incontinence.

Intra-Bladder Botox Application

It is a treatment method that used in the treatment of overactive bladder and neurogenic bladder.
In this procedure, which lasts about 6-12 months, it is aimed to reduce the involuntary bladder contractions of the patients and to increase the bladder capacity; thus, it is ensured that complaints such as frequent urination and urinary incontinence improve.

Bladder Enlargement Surgery
It is rarely used in severe and resistant cases where other treatment methods have failed.

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